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Sales Prospecting Techniques: 5 Tips When Your Prospect Goes Dark

Sales Prospecting Techniques: 5 Tips When Your Prospect Goes Dark

You think everything is in place to land a big deal, then… poof. You begin to get the cold shoulder. Maybe someone you viewed as your advocate in winning an account at a prospective client undergoes an unexpected, 180-degree behavior change. That “glad

The power of the call-to-action in social media - The Crowdfire blog

The power of the call-to-action in social media - The Crowdfire blog

It’s no secret that social media is a powerful tool for marketing and promoting your brand. But what many business owners might not realize is the importance of using a call to action in their social media posts. A call to action (CTA) is simply a request

Measuring the Invisible: The Truth About Marketing Attribution

Measuring the Invisible: The Truth About Marketing Attribution

Is marketing attribution a mythical unicorn? Or is it possible to measure the performance of your marketing, including the parts you can’t see? Marketing attribution is the “fog of marketing” that all marketers wrestle with in attempt to square the

Seven Elements of Compelling PR and Social Media Storytelling

Seven Elements of Compelling PR and Social Media Storytelling

I took several creating writing courses back in junior high and high school. For a while, as a teen, I even considered pursuing a career as a novelist—until I did some research and realized that the probability of becoming a best-selling fiction author is

How to use email marketing and social media together - The Crowdfire blog

How to use email marketing and social media together - The Crowdfire blog

In this modern age where technology is so advanced, there are many ways marketers deploy to obtain traction in the digital world. Social media, email marketing, content marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, and others can help meet your marketing goals. Studies

How Brands Can Maximize First-Party Data To Create Virtuous Loyalty Cycle

How Brands Can Maximize First-Party Data To Create Virtuous Loyalty Cycle

The following was previously published in an earlier edition of Marketing Insider. Every marketer knows that the impending elimination of third-party cookies on Google Chrome and Apple’s anti-tracking changes on iOS devices have made first-party data more

How AI Will Power the Future of Successful Content Marketing

How AI Will Power the Future of Successful Content Marketing

3 ways AI will empower writers 1. Writer’s block will become a thing of the past We all know how frustrating writer’s block can be – nobody likes staring at a blinking cursor for hours before churning out a single paragraph worth keeping. This is

4 Ways Metaverse Technology Will Influence the Enterprise Brand Experience - Advertising Week

4 Ways Metaverse Technology Will Influence the Enterprise Brand Experience - Advertising Week

Major tech companies such as Facebook (Meta), Microsoft and even Disney are pouring in billions and billions of dollars to develop their own metaverses. As early as 2021, big brands in fashion, food beverage and consumer goods, banking and other industries

Why More Businesses Are Using Digital Marketing

Why More Businesses Are Using Digital Marketing

Contact Why More Businesses Are Using Digital Marketing Digital marketing has become a popular method of marketing for many businesses to use and a popular method has been to use social media platforms to market products and services on. The gambling industry

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