5 Ways to Maximize YouTube Marketing for Fitness - Online Video Marketing Blog

5 Ways to Maximize YouTube Marketing for Fitness - Online Video Marketing Blog

5 Ways to Maximize YouTube Marketing for Fitness
James Daniels | June 5, 2017 | YouTube Marketing | No Comments
Do you know what the world’s second most popular search engine is? No, it’s not Bing but rather YouTube. What makes YouTube even more important is the fact that the world’s most popular search engine (Google) incorporates relevant YouTube videos into the SERPs when users enter a search query. Such a prominent practice proves YouTube is an integral part of digital marketing now and simply cannot be ignored.
The usefulness of YouTube for fitness studios and industries is more prominent than in most other industries. There is no better way to impart the value and effectiveness of physical education than to present it visually, and YouTube does exactly that. It’s time to take a closer look at a few aspects which you should focus on to ensure you’re optimizing this video platform to reap the benefits of its full marketing potential. Fair warning: this article doesn’t concern itself as much with SEO as it does with actual video content and presentation.
1. Thumbnails
This image is what you are to people who don’t know anything about you or your videos – and even to a lot of the people who do. You are a tiny image on their search page with a small description to hint at what the user has to gain by clicking and viewing your video content. Creating the perfect YouTube thumbnail is more than just an aspiration; it is the single most important (non-technical) factor when it comes to generating traffic from the SERPs. Thumbnails should include clean and clear visuals that demonstrate you have the content those searching users need.
2. Make Them Useful
There are two types of approaches when it comes to marketing fitness related content on YouTube. The first and oldest approach is to use it as a “teaser,” an enticing glimpse that ultimately directs the viewer back to the original site with the promise of more useful information. The second approach yields the same redirection results but makes the video content more useful than a hollow teaser. For example, Jeff Cavaliere’s fitness channel ATHLEAN-X (with 3 million+ subscribers) features multiple videos, each of them useful. By making your videos more useful than a teaser, you can earn subscribers and create a fan following which will translate into sales for you. Making useless teasers on the other hand can put people off and they won’t subscribe. A useful video will still have all the necessary links and promotions, but it won’t make the user feel like he wasted his time by clicking on your video.
3. Highlight Your Credentials
During the introduction, be sure to highlight your credentials and emphasize the integrity of the person representing your institution. You’re not just appealing to potential clients; you are establishing your brand. So much of its success or failure depends on the trust you can inspire in new viewers. Set yourself apart from the hoard of “brotip” fitness YouTubers out there through the quality of not just your content but your credentials too.
4. Point Out What Makes You Better Than the Competition
Never forget who or what you’re selling: yourself. You must point out what the user stands to gain (or perhaps more appropriately, the pounds they stand to lose) by joining your fitness studio or program. There are so many options out there for people to choose between so you need to make yourself stand out. Sometimes the best way to do this is to emphasize the differences between what you offer and what your competition offers. Defining what you’re not can be as important as defining what you are.
5. Engage Your Loyal Users
The comment section can be a gold mine or a minefield. You should respond to as many YouTube comments as possible, but try to avoid starting or getting embroiled in arguments. Concentrate on your loyal users and provide them with helpful answers to their fitness queries when possible. They will become your brand ambassadors if they are pleased with you, and shares on social media and word-of-mouth marketing are as good as they sound.
While there’s a lot more you can do to get the most out of YouTube, these tips are some of the most important ones and should help you avoid making some of the biggest rookie mistakes.
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