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How to Think about Website Security as an Admin — SitePoint

How to Think about Website Security as an Admin — SitePoint

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. Website administrators, especially those in smaller businesses or organizations without people dedicated to the job

What Does a UX Designer Actually Do? — SitePoint

What Does a UX Designer Actually Do? — SitePoint

Fucking bullshit! As a designer you should be DOING THIS ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!! Moeskido All due respect to the work you do every day, but every generation believes it invented graphic design, while instead coining new buzzwords to describe subcategories of graphic

How to make a WordPress agency profitable | @thetorquemag

How to make a WordPress agency profitable | @thetorquemag

Many digital agencies are small businesses, building upon intimate relationships with each of their clients. Others are in pursuit of growth, either to be the creatives for Fortune 500 companies or to scale with volume. My company works with many different

How to Manage a Live WordPress Website Like a Pro

How to Manage a Live WordPress Website Like a Pro

For many of us, our websites are our bread and butter, even our pet projects. And though they hold a significant position in our lives, unfortunately, mismanage them regularly. While this is okay for smaller sites, the problem persists when we start tackling

Should Designers Write Website Copy?

Should Designers Write Website Copy?

When I started as an online marketer, 12 years ago, the process was well defined- copywriter will create the copy. Send the document to designer who will incorporate the copy in the page. Send the

Interaction Design: 7 Basic Types of UI Animation

Interaction Design: 7 Basic Types of UI Animation

Animation is a hot point in the app or website development: some say that it overloads the screens and pages while others show how helpful it is for users. Anyway, today most users expect the motion

Top 10 Blank WordPress Themes And Their Impressive Advantages

Top 10 Blank WordPress Themes And Their Impressive Advantages

WordPress has thousands of themes and plugins that support developers to carry out website development. People are so conscious of their online presence and demand an alluring website. We know that WordPress is a great platform to design client’s websites

10 Reasons Why It ROCKS To Be a Freelancer

10 Reasons Why It ROCKS To Be a Freelancer

10 Reasons Why It ROCKS To Be a Freelancer Share! LinkedIn0 Being a freelancer has its ups and downs. Freelancing comes with lots of benefits but also some risks. Today we decided to focus on 10 reasons why it rocks to be a freelancer. If you are seriously

How to Implement a Visual Design Stage in Web Design

How to Implement a Visual Design Stage in Web Design

Written by Kristen Wright on July 10, 2017 How to Implement a Visual Design Stage in Your Web Design Workflow In the website creation process, it’s important to separate the web design and web development phases. In this post, we’ll explain how to

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